A Study on woven fabric properties affected by twill direction and density related to tensile and tearing strength

พัชรี มหิทธิวาณิชชา, สาธิต พุทธชัยยงค์


The aim of this research is to reveal the relationship between twill woven fabric structure affecting mechanical properties in term of tensile and tearing strength. The original commercial fabric structure was Z twill woven by C40SxC40S, 130x70. This structure tends to cause yarn slippage and the usage of this fabric. Therefore, both Z and S twill with three different warp and weft density were woven on 2/2 and 3/1 twill. The results were founded that 2/2 S twill imparts a better tensile strength over 2/2 and 3/1 Z twill at all level of warp and weft density. Whereas 3/1 S twill possess a better tearing strength over 2/2 and 3/1 Z twill at all level of warp and weft density.


: Woven fabric, Twill weave, Warp and Weft density, Tensile strength, Tearing strength

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