Investigation on Properties of Silk Thread Wallpaper Compared to Silk Fabric Wallpaper

ชลิศา นิธิทองสกุล, สาธิต พุทธชัยยงค์


The objective of the research is to study the properties of wallpaper made of silk threads compared to the silk fabric wallpaper that is available at present. Results of sound absorption, ability of sound absorption for Silk Fabric and Silk Thread Wallpaper at low frequencies did not differ. Silk Thread wallpaper is able to absorb more sound on higher frequencies and absorb at 4000 Hz for the maximum that absorbed over Silk Fabric wallpaper. The silk fabric wallpaper and silk thread wallpaper at 35 threads per inch have a minimum NRC (Noise Reduction Coefficient) and NRC tends to increase as the number of threads per inch silk wallpaper increasing. Flammability test and Temperature protection show that silk fabric wallpaper and 45, 50 threads per inch silk thread wallpaper had the test results better than the lowers.


Wallpaper, Mai 3, Denier, Cover Factor

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