Solving a Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Window by Heuristics Method: A Case Study of Automotive Part Manufacturer

จารุพงษ์ บรรเทา, นันทพัทธ์ สันติชูวงศ์, วีระชัย ตาลกลาง


This research present heuristics to routes for a case study of automotive manufacturer with regard to number of vehicles is limited. Under the requirements and time window of each customer is different. The main objective to find a heuristic to solve these problem. To solve the problem, the researchers was conducted four heuristics: Saving heuristic (SA), Nearest Heuristic (NH), Max-Nearest Heuristic (MNH) and Earliest Due Date (EDD). The results from comparing all four heuristics found that MNH was the shortest route of 121.94 kilometers. However, EDD was shortened the overtime for 4 hours 18 minutes. Moreover, EDD can reduce the outsources for transport about 30.58%


Vehicle Routing Problem; Time Window; Heuristics; Earliest Due Dat

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