Development of Product and Napa Palm Empty Fruit Bunches Fiber for the Weaving Process

อมรรัตน์ อนันต์วราพงษ์, พีรพงษ์ หนูแดง, รุ่งนภา สาตสาร, ณรงค์ศักดิ์ ครองเพชร, ณัฐวิทย์ คงศรีชาย


This project aimed to study the physical quality of Nypa palm and the characteristics of Nypa palm empty fruit bunches fiber (Nypa-EBF), to develop product from Nypa-EBF and to evaluate customer satisfaction towards the products. Physical quality of twenty lines Nypa-EBF will be tested regarding strength and stress. The mean of maximum force and maximum stress were 11.78+2.07 N and 20.45+4.95 N/mm2, respectively. The results implied that the strength of Nypa-EBF was good enough for the woven fabrics manufacturing.
There are three pattern of fabric product from Nypa-EBF including normal pattern, corrugation and plaid. The suitable pattern will be evaluated by five specialists. The corrugation pattern was selected from the specialist for the product development step. There should be the process used for extended the Nypa-EBF operating life.
The corrugation fabric was used to produce floor lamp, decorated-table lamp and table lamp. The customer satisfaction was evaluated. The samples were 50 customers at Chatuchak market. The results showed that floor lamp was the favorite (=4.18). The customer prefer the multidirectional light (=4.48). The safety of the lamp was the most considerable (=4.62). The lamp should be used at house (=4.56). The price of the lamp should be 800-1,000 THB (=4.25). The lamp should not higher than 30 cm. The natural color was the favorite (=4.18). And the material of lamp structure should be standlessteel (=4.40).


Product development, Fiber, Nypa’s palm empty bunches

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