Strategies of Success on the New HSK Level 4

สุพิชฌาย์ ทวีธนวิริยา, สุกัญญา วศินานนท์, Liu Jiaxiang


Because of rapidly growing economy of China, it's significant that the Chinese major students need to take the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) which guarantees the graduates are able to apply the chinese language to their daily, academic and professional lives. The HSK (Level4), acceptably international examination and applied for a job or postgradute education, interests the applicants so the researcher focused on the study of the exam. The HSK (Level 4) is intended for
students who have mastered 1,200 commonly used words and have studied Chinese for two academic years. The students should understand the Chinese structure used in daily life and can
communicate with the natives on various topics.
The strategies to accomplish the HSK exam are divided into three skills; listening, reading and writing. In addition to the strategies, the problems often found in the HSK (Level4) were investigated so that the students can efficiently solve them.


HSK4 , Chinese tests,Strategies of HSK4 , Chinese skill

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