Information Reception of Soldiers During the Performance of Duties in the Three Southern Border Provinces
Findings are that the soldiers were desirous of receiving updated information and wanted to augment their personal knowledge to oneself at high levels. The exchanged information with fellow soldiers colleagues was at a high level. They watched Thai television, read newspapers and used the Internet at a high level. The soldiers under study experienced problems of information reception in an overall picture at a moderate level. The problems encountered were in the following descending order (1) slow Internet network connections; (2) distorted information; (3) useless information; (4) inadequate information; and (5) outdated and tardy information. In addition, the soldiers under study who differed in the demographical characteristics of gender, age, and rank exhibited no differences in information reception in an overall picture and in each aspect. The soldiers under investigation who differed in the demographical characteristics of gender, age, and rank exhibited no differences in the problems of information reception in an overall picture and in each aspect.
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