Used of Ethanol to Reduce Senescent Spotting in Banana Fruit cv ‘Khai’

กฤษณ์ สงวนพวก


The main problem of Banana fruit cv ‘Khai’ after harvest is senescent spotting which is unacceptable by consumers. This research was to study treatment of ethanol for reducing senescent spotting of ‘kluai khai’ banana fruit. The studied treatments were ethanol at the concentrations 0 (control), 200, 500 and 1,000 ppm in reducing senescent spotting level of ‘kluai khai’ banana stored at 13oC. The result showed that ‘Kluai khai’ banana treated with 500 ppm ethanol vapour gave significantly better result in reducing respiration rate, ethylene production rate and senescent spotting level than other treatments. Moreover, ‘Kluai khai’ banana treated with 500 ppm ethanol vapour gave results in PPO, POD and PAL activity less than other treatments. The ‘Kluai khai’ banana treated with 500 ppm ethanol vapour could maintain peel structure with no significant difference from that at day 0. The ‘Kluai khai’ banana treated with various concentration ethanol solutions was not properly used to reducing senescent spotting level. In conclusion, ‘Kluai Khai’ Banana treated with 500 ppm ethanol vapour was able to extend its storage life by reducing senescent spotting level at least 18 days.


Ethanol, Kluai Khai, Senescent Spotting

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