Study and Design Vertical Axis Wind Turbine for Low Wind Speed Area

วีระศักดิ์ ไชยชาญ, ศักราช ทองนอก, เพียรดี อ่อนยิ่ง, ภูเทพ วรรณบวร


This research presents a study and design of vertical axis wind turbine. The purpose of this research was to design the vertical axis wind turbine blade that is suitable for operating at low wind speed area. The designs of wind turbine blades are measured 0.2 meters long, 0.8 meters wide to comprise as a multi-blade vertical axis (two, three, four, five and six blades). DC generator (28W) is installed to connect to the wind turbine through a gear box at velocity ratio of 1:2.67. Electric power from DC generator is charged in the storage battery 12V 5Ah through a charge controller. From the study, it was found that at wind speed of 3.9 m/s, six blades vertical axis wind turbine can be generated the maximum voltage, current and power for the load (10W) of 15.41V, 0.33A and 5.09W, respectively. The electric power generation can charge the 12.98V battery to 100% state within 4 hours and 40 minutes.


Wind Turbine; Blade; DC Generator; Renewable Energy

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