Employees’ Motivating Factors in Selling Insurance Policy to K Bank Customers

อินทุอร สาโรวาท, ดร.ไกรชิต สุตะเมือง, ดร.กิตติพันธ์ คงสวัสดิ์เกียรติ


This research quantitative research aims to (1) To study the different types of personal factors that affect motivation in offering life insurance, employee of Kasikornbank Thailand (2) To study the relationship between the internal motivation of the offering life insurance, employee of Kasikornbank. (3) To study the relationship between external motivation in offering life insurance, employee of Kasikornbank. Study of a sample of bank employees in Kasikornbank. The questionnaire consisted of 400 sets of tools are used to collect data was a questionnaire. The data analysis and data processing, the use of computer programs t-Test, F-Test (ONE-way ANOVA) and analysis of linear regression the ear multiply (Multiple Regression Analysis: MRA) test as statistically significant at 0.5.
The results showed that Most respondents were female. In the age group 31-40 years had the highest average monthly personal income up to Baht 45,001 up, much work experience ranging from 5-10 years, and mostly single. The results showed that monthly income and work experience affect different motives in offering life insurance are statistically significant at 0.5. The internal factors that motivated respondents are the most visible aspect of the value of life insurance. Including external factors in the form of Incentive and Recognition in other categories.
Researchers have suggested that the research data as a guide to create an incentive to sell life insurance. For employees to recognize and target oriented in the same direction. On the basis of accuracy, according to the rules of the Bank. In order to achieve the goals of the Bank. Motivation is what will drive employees to sell insurance. For the benefit of customers and the bank.


Creating awareness, motivation.

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