Development of Standard Recipes Packages for Women Community Thai Chili Paste

รุ่งทิพย์ วงศ์ต่อม, วิภาวัน จุลยา, ดวงฤทัย ธํารงโชติ, กฤติกา นรจิตร, วิรยา นาคอ่อน, ชัยพร แป้งนวล


This research aims to study the way of development in red curry paste product for Women Community Thai Chili Paste (WCTCP). The red curry paste from four standard recipe were evaluated by sensory attributes. Results showed that the red curry paste from recipe four had the highest acceptability scores. Thus, the influence of dried chili level (0.5%, 1% and 1.5%) added in red curry paste from standard recipe four was studied. The preference of pungent taste in all samples were significant difference (p<0.05). The color values and microbial activity of red curry paste added 0.5% dried chili were determined during 8 weeks of storage. No significant difference (p>0.05) were found in color score between two types of packaging (glass bottle and retort pound bag). The microbial growth in glass bottle was higher than in retort pound bag. The electronic nose was then applied to examine the orders of each red curry paste. It was shown that the smell of red curry paste from WCTCP was different from red curry paste standard Furthermore, the study showed that label packaging Model Two had highest score (score 8.76) concerning overall acceptability.


curry paste, Women Community Thai Chili Paste

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