Development of Natural Composite Materials Roof Forming Process

เชษฐ อุทธิยัง, วัชรินทร์ สิทธิเจริญ, นทีชัย ผัสดี


This research aimed to study and manufacture roof tiles from the natural materials using a compressing die forming process. Two different material samples were investigated in this work. First sample was consisted of 307 grams of wood sawdust and 300 grams of organic resin. While the second mixture was consisted of 290 grams of wood sawdust, 17 grams of husk, and 300 grams of organic resin. The material samples were coated by polyurethane and then formed systemically using the compression mold method. The physical and mechanical properties of tiles were tested and investigation according to TISI No.158-2518. The experimental results found that the both samples could be manufactured by the given compression molding method. The dimension and the water absorption of both samples might be in the range of the acceptance criteria of the specific TISI standard. However, the second sample was optimized for manufacturing the roof tile because its bending force resistance was higher than that of the specific value in the standard.


Development for roof forming process, Natural composite materials, Compressing die

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