Development Model of Auto Mechanic Assistant Career for the Enterprises of General Garage Center

นภดล กลิ่นทอง, สุราษฎร์ พรมจันทร์, ประดิษฐ์ เหมือนคิด


The purposes of this study were to construct a career development model of mechanics assistants for general automotive service centers, to assess mechanic assistants’ characteristics, and to assess the implementation of the model. The study was undertaken in four steps: (1) construction of career development model (2) provision of components for operating career development of mechanic assistants, (3) development of the mechanics, and (4) analysis of the results obtained and evaluation of the model implementation. The implementation of the model was made in 11 automotive service centers in Bangkok, Nonthaburi, Pathumthani, and Samutprakarn. After having been assessed by 9 experts, the constructed model was tried out and assessed with 9 assessment forms for assessing the constructed model, the establishment of a training center for mechanic assistant development, provision of establishment cooperation project, provision of the training curriculum, construction of a training kit for mechanic assistant trainers, the learners’ knowledge and skills before being trained, trainees’ learning achievement, satisfaction of trainees, establishments’ satisfaction with the trained mechanic assistants’ performances. Mean, standard deviation, and percentage were used to analyze the data.
It was found that the experts agreed that the constructed model was appropriate at a high level
( = 4.43). The stakeholders agreed with the establishment of the training center and the provision of the cooperation project at a high and the highest levels respectively ( = 4.46 and 4.57). The experts were satisfied with the curriculum provision, the arrangement of instructional procedure, and the pre-check of knowledge and skills at a high level ( = 4.26, 4.28 and 4.29 respectively). The trainees’ learning achievement was at an average of 86.97 %. The trainees were satisfied with the training at a high level ( = 4.42). The establishments were satisfied with the trained mechanic assistants’ performance at a high level ( = 4.27). The findings showed that the career development model of mechanic assistants for general automotive service centers was applicable.


mechanic assistants, a career development curriculum for mechanic assistants

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