The Development of e-Learning courseware on the Subject of Home- Economics Profession

สันธนีย์ นิยาโส, นิตยา สำเร็จผล, ปราวีณยา สุวรรณณัฐโชติ


The objectives of this study were to develop e-Learning program for Home- Economics Profession course to meet the efficiency level 80/80 and to compare the students learning achievement before and after taking this e-Learning course. The research process was to design and develop e-Learning program for Home-Economics Profession in the Lesson Unit 4 “Process to occupation” using Moodle program. The e-Learning course was validated by 6 experts. Then the e-learning was implemented to find out the efficiency with the sample of 70 first year students in Home-Economics Education program from Faculty of Home Economics Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep, Samples enrolled in Home-Economics Profession course in semester the first of academic, year 2010. The research instruments were e-Learning quality evaluation questionnaire, pretest and posttest learning achievement test. Data were analyzed by using percentage, mean and t-test dependant.
The results of efficiency evaluation of Home-Economics Profession e-learning course were 80.05/88.07 which was higher than efficient standard criterion of 80/80. Posttest learning achievement score showed statistically significant higher than the pretest at .05 level.

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