กาญจนา ฟูศรี, ดร.ประเทืองทิพ ปานบำรุง


The objectives of this research were to study the forming a film of the arrowroot powder and using as a water-soluble embroidery material. In addition, to study the quality of the waste water from washing and material costs. The results showed that the mixture of 1 part of Arrowroot powder with 4 parts of hot water, gave a clear and viscous gel which could be pressed to form a clear film. The dried film was a translucent, smooth which can be folded, curved, and bent without cracking or breaking easily. The piece of fabric with the film of arrowroot had more clearly patterned embroidery and smoother than the one using water soluble film of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). For washing test, we found that the film of arrowroot and water-soluble polyvinyl alcohol film residue was less remained on a piece of fabric after 20-25 minutes washing off by washing machine. After washing, the quality of water as pH value and the value of TDS (TDS: Total Dissolved solids) showed that arrowroot starch film and film water-soluble polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) waste water were in the standard value. The suspended solids value (TSS: Total Suspended Solids) of waste water of arrowroot film exceeded the standard, while the one of water-soluble polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) was in the standard. BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) of waste water of both film exceeded the standard. They needed to be treated before being released into the public water supply. Finally raw material costs of producing film of arrowroot was 14.58 baht per square meter.


embroidery supporting

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