The Effect of Dyeing Factors on Dyeing Repeatability

สุนทร แจ่มแสง, ประเทืองทิพย์ ปานบำรุง


The purpose of the present research is to study the effect of dyeing factors on dyeing repeatability in a laboratory of a plant specimens, with its values is 65.39% as specifically targeted at 98%. The research methodology for the dyeing factor effects is derived from a brainstorming of a particular group of experts, also relate to identifying the cause and effect of analysis and its defective feature, including the dyeing repeatability effects with RPN values over 100 scores that are then applied to analyse and make sure if such factors basically involve any effects on dyeing repeatability. A process of the dyeing factor effects further includes an arrangement for forming a factorial 2k experiment method so as to generate an appropriate level of the factors by means of selecting one-day stocked dye solution, a 300- mm-sized dyeing cylinder, and a piece of weight-added cloth prior to dyeing operation.
As a result, this research has found that the purpose of the laboratory quality for repeatability dyeing capability stands at 72.41%, increased by 7.02% respectively

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