The Evaluation of Business Computer Program on Vocational Diploma Curriculum B.E.2546 Patumtanee Technical College, Vocational Education Commission, By The Online Curriculum Evaluation System On ERPAI Model

ณัฏฐี ศรีสวัสดิ์, บุษราคัม ทองเพชร


This research was aimed at the evaluation of business computer program on vocational diploma curriculum B.E. 2546. The online curriculum evaluation system was used with ERPAI Model. The samplings used for conducting this research were 16 administrators and teachers, 59 enrolled students, 23 graduated students, and 6 supervisors of graduated students from privates sectors. 12 different questionnaires available in online curriculum evaluation system were used for the survey. Data analysis consisted of Frequency, Percentage, and S.D.. From the research, the 5 factors affecting the evaluation in this research were Environment, Resource, Process, Achievement, and Impact. For the factor on Environment, it revealed that the objective, structure, and content of curriculum were appropriate at the high level. The resources used in curriculum implementation which were teacher, student, budget, learning and teaching material, curriculum material, book and document, and premises were at the high level. The study on Process revealed that curriculum management, learning and teaching methodologies, and evaluation and assessment were statistically high. Moving on Achievement factor, students were mostly satisfied on the implemented curriculum. The last factor on Impact, it revealed that private sectors were satisfied on quality and characteristics of the graduates at the high level. According the above results found in this research, colleges were benefited and encouraged to use the report on curriculum evaluation gained from this research for the development of curriculum management to serve the needs of students and private sectors to cope with its present situation.


Curriculum Evaluation, ERPAI Model, Online Curriculum Evaluation System

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