Computer – Assisted Instruction onRegistration of Condominium andJuristic for Condominium

หัช อินสุวรรณ์


The purposes of this research were : (1) To Development and find out quality of computer assisted instruction on registration of condominium and juristic for condominium. (2) To determine efficiency of computer assisted instruction on registration of condominium and juristic for condominium. (3) To compare learning achievement before and after learning by using computer assisted instruction on registration of condominium and juristic for condominium. The sample of this study consisted of 20 employees the legal and land department for the year 2555 of national housing for personnel.
The instrument used for study were computer assisted instruction on registration of condominium and juristic for condominium, quality evaluation from and. 4 choice 30 items achievement test wish index of congruence equal 1 for all items, difficulty level between 0.50 to 0.80, the discrimination ranging from .0.20 to 0.60, and reliability at 0.92.
The result of the study ware as follow (1) Revealed that the content quality of the Computer-Assisted Instruction to reproduce the content quality was at good level ( = 4.63) and the media production techniques aspect was at good level ( = 4.44) (2) The efficiency E1/E2 = 82.33/87.33 which met the criteria not less than 80/80 (3) The other result also indicated that achievement of the students after learning with computer assisted instruction on registration of condominium and juristic for condominium. was significantly higher than before learning at 0.05.


Computer-assisted instruction, registration of the condominium, juristic for condominium.

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