The Development of Computer – Assisted Instruction Program in the Revision of “Vector”

ผศ.ดร.อัครวุฒิ จินดานุรักษ์


The purposes of this study were (1) to develop computer–assisted instruction in the revision of “Vector”, (2) to compare the students’ achievement of an experimental group using computer assisted instruction and a group under normal classroom conditions and (3) to evaluate students’ satisfaction with using CAI.
The sample of 60 students, who were studying Calculus 1, were formulated from the Faculty of Engineer by purposive sampling and then divided into 2 groups; 28 students using CAI, and 32 students under normal classroom conditions. The research instruments included; (1) computer-assisted instruction for the revision of “Vector” (2) pre-test and post-test of “Vector”; and (3) questionnaires on the satisfaction with the computer-assisted instruction for the revision of “Vector”. The data was collected by initially trying out the CAI designed with the experimental group; individually, in a small group, and in a field study respectively. The effectiveness of CAI then was verified by using E1/E2, and the independent t-test was later used to indicate the difference of significances between two groups. The satisfaction with CAI was eventually gathered through the questionnaires. Mean and standard deviation were used to demonstrate the level of satisfaction. The results of this research were as follows:
(1) The effectiveness of computer-assisted instruction in the revision of “Vector” was 86.14/80.14, and including the content within Vector; Vector in Rectangular Form, Algebraic Operation on Vector, Scalar Product and Vector Product were 88.82/82.76, 87.54/81.48,85.03/77.01 and 86.14/80.14 respectively.
(2) The achievement of the experimental group was significantly higher than the group under normal classroom conditions at the 0.05 level.
(3) The satisfaction with using computer – assisted instruction in the revision of “Vector”, also input ,output , impacts and the total satisfaction were revealed in the level of “good”, as well as the procedure was raised to the level of “very good”.


computer–assisted instruction, revision of “Vector” 1.

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