Consumers Behavior for Ready to Drink Fruit Juice of Consumers in Bangkok

วิจิตรา ประเสริฐธรรม


The objectives of this research were 1. to study personal characteristics of ready to drink fruit juice consumers in Bangkok. 2. to study consumers behavior and the marketing mixs of ready to drink fruit juice consumers in Bangkok and 3. to study the personal characteristics affecting consumers behavior and the marketing mixs of ready to drink fruit juice.
The result of this study found that the majority of samples were female with 21-30 years of age, holding a Bachelor degree, working contracting with monthly income 15,001-20,000 Baht. Mostly buying Malee brand, orange juice favor, taste motivation, buying between 10-30 Baht at the convenience store between 13.00-16.00 am. And the mostly marketing promotion was media and buy by themselves.
The consumers behavior found that the consumers whose were different in gender, career and income had different in taste. The consumers whose were different in age, career, education and income had different in motivation. The consumers whose were different in gender, age and career had different in purchase influence. The consumers whose were different in income had different in the time of purchase and how to buy. The marketing mixs found that the consumers whose were different in gender, age, career and income had different in brand factor. The consumers whose were different in age, career, education and income had different in price factor. The consumers whose were different in age, education and income had different in place factor. The consumers whose were different in gender had different in marketing promotion factor.

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