Factors influencing the decision to buy branded garments Thailand domestic Production of consumer in Bangkok

จงรัก ใจโต


This study aimed to study the behavior of clothing. To purchase decisions Thailand garments branded with the influence of market factors and psychological factors of consumer personal factors are different. To study the relationship between market factors and psychological factors on the decision to buy garments branded consumer Thailand, by the Survey Research. The population is consumer garments in Bangkok. A sample of 384 randomly selected people accidentally. The results were as follow found Consumer behavior, colorful clothes. Style suits the personality Good value for the texture and design with modern fashion. Consumers who have a different sexual decision making, taking into account market factors are different and consumers with gender, age, occupation and monthly income of the different decision making by taking into account the different psychological factors .For marketing factors and psychological factors all variables are positively correlated with the decision to buy clothes. Statistical significance was 0.05.


Factors, Purchasing Decision Making of Thai Brand Clothes

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