The Model Development of Professional Development Center for Specialized Programs

ไกรลาศ ดอนชัย, สุราษฎร์ พรมจันทร์, ปิยะ กรกชจินตนาการ, ปาริชาติ บัวเจริญ


This research aimed to implementing the model of professional development center for specialized programs. Implementing the model and assessing professional development experiences at the Faculty of Engineering, RMUTL. Firstly, the process started with appointing operating staff. Secondly, the workshop was organized for 15 lecturers in engineering, who then rated their knowledge obtained from, usefulness of, and satisfaction of the workshop at the highest levels ( = 4.71, 4.75, and 4.62 respectively). Thirdly, by the cooperation of RMUTL and Lampang Institute of Skill Development, the course was implemented with 22 trainees whose efficacies were assessed at E1/E2 = 82.05/81.05. They were also highly satisfied with the course (4.53) and 19 of them passed the course assessment. (86.36%). Lastly, the follow-up session was conducted after completing the course for a period. As a result, the trainees rated their competency at a highest level ( =4.56) and the supervisor rated for trainees skills and knowledge at a high level ( =4.25). It can be concluded that the model of professional development center for specialized programs greatly fits the university’s missions and therefore contributes to achieving university’s goals. It is also applicable to other disciplines, particularly educational services for the community.


Professional Development Center, Specific Professional

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