Expectations and Satisfaction of Four and Five-Star Hotel Stakeholders with Desired Traits of Hospitality Graduates from Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep Focusing on Food and Beverage Services

ณัฐฤดี สินทิพย์สมบูรณ์, ดาราวรรณ ไศลมณี


The purpose of the research was to investigate and to compare the expectations and satisfaction of four and five-star hotel stakeholders with what was believed to be the desired traits of hospitality graduates from Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep. The traits were those in food and beverage services. The research participants were 150 randomly selected managers responsible for food and beverage services in hotels. The data was collected using questionnaires. The questions were designed to reflect the managers’ expectations and satisfaction with the desired traits. In order to analyze the data, descriptive statistics including percentage, mean, standard deviation and the chi-square test were used.
The results of this study are indicated as follows: 1) the results of the study of expectation levels among staff in the hospitality industry revealed that, in general terms, factors such as personality, theoretical knowledge, job and functional area knowledge, language skills, attitudes toward working in the hospitality industry, and morality and ethics were at a very satisfactory level. ( = 4.07) 2) The result of The study of satisfaction levels among staff in the hospitality industry also indicated that, in overall terms, personality, theoretical knowledge, job and functional area knowledge, language skills, attitudes toward working in the hospitality industry, and morality and ethics were at a very satisfactory level.
( = 4.02) 3) The result of a comparison between the expectation and satisfaction levels of Food and Beverage (F&B) managers with regard to the desired characteristics of Hotel major students showed a significant difference of 0.05, in all aspects. 4) Recommendations and guidelines for developing the desired traits are to reinforce skills for personality, expand theoretical knowledge and practical experiences, and strengthen ethics including professional practicum, working part-time in their area of study to gain direct experiences.


Expectations, satisfaction

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