Packaging factors influencing the decision to buy a fruit (orange). Of consumers in Bangkok and its vicinity

วุฒิชัย เกียรติเจริญสกุล


This research aims to study the packing Factor‘s Decisions to buy a fruit (orange) in Bangkok Metropolitan Area and Nearby for the purpose. (1)To study the different types of personal factors that affect Decisions Toto buy a fruit (orange). (2) To study the relationship of the packaging, Comprising: type, Image and source of manufacturer package (3). To study the relationship between the 4P consists Price, Product, Place, Promotion study sample.
The sample used in this research is that consumers who live in Bangkok and Nearby 400 people to collect data.
The data analysis and processing by computer programs T-Test, F-Test (One-way ANOVA) and Multiple Regression Analysis: MRA at significance 0.05. The results showed that: Most consumers are female in the age group31-40 years, most are single, most of undergraduate to graduate with average monthly personal income from 10,001 to 20,000bahtand work as an employee of the company. And the results showed that packing Factors of Type Factors are interesting Influence consumer to decision to buy fruit (oranges) that are most important. Type of packaging (Sig. = 0.000), Image of packaging (Sig. = 0.004), source of manufacturer package(Sig. = 0.000), Cost(Sig. = 0.000),Product(Sig. = 0.003)Place of sale(Sig. = 0.722) and the promotion of marketing (Sig. = 0.000).
Researchers have suggested that the research data to help for business owners to development of the business to expand trade. And using the data to development of packaging a more modern look to the products. Meet the needs of consumers in Bangkok Metropolitan Area and nearby in the future.


packaging, decision, fruits (orange), the consumer.

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