Effect of Fertilizer on Yield of Moringa Leave

ศีลศิริ สง่าจิตร, ประเทือง สง่าจิตร, วีระชัย บุญไทย


This research aimed to study the suitable type of fertilizers on yield of Moringa leave. Moringa plants were applied by non fertilizer, organic fertilizer and organic fertilizer with various macronutrients of chemical fertilizer. The leaves were harvested by cutting 20 cm. from the top and dried in shade. Fresh weight and dry weight were recorded by separated leave and petiole. The results revealed that, after six months, the leaves could be harvested in 7 times per year. The plant could be harvested 51 percent. The treatment organic fertilizer with NK produced the best yield in both fresh and dry leaves. The products were 3,414.9 and 576.25 kg/rai/year, followed by an organic fertilizer with organic fertilizer with NP K and organic fertilizer with N. Application of treatment organic fertilizer with K showed highest yield efficiency, followed by organic fertilizer with NK and organic fertilizer with N. The ratio of fresh leave to dried leave was 4-6 kilogram to 1 kilogram of dried leave.

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