A Recommender System for Weight Loss Activity applying Ontological Knowledge-Based

ปองพล นิลพฤกษ, กีรติบุตร กาญจนเสถียร


Nowadays, the behavior of human life has been changed continuously and many people encounter the problems about health especially in fat reducing. This research presents how knowledge-based combined with rules can be used to develop the recommender system for weight loss activity to help the people for recommendations and produce a fat reducing plan. The question is how to automatically create a suitable plan and recommendation for weight loss activity, because the plan and recommendation should be compatible with individual people. Thus, the knowledge-based and rules in this research are proposed to solve the problems. There are three objectives of this research including 1) creating the ontology to represent the conceptual knowledge-based for activities of fat reducing and related information such as fat reducing activities, food, and disease, 2) creating the rules combined with proposed knowledge-based, and 3) developing the prototype system using proposed knowledge-based and rules to evaluate this approach. The accuracy is in the good level (average score = 0.73 (73%)). It is calculated using accuracy metrics by predictions with real users’ preferences and domain experts from real environment, 2 months.


Weight Loss Activity, Recommender System, Ontological Knowledge-Based, Rules

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