Factor in the decision to purchase concert again of Audiences in Bangkok Metropolitan Area and Perimeter

ปิยะธิดา ยอดที่รัก, กิตติพันธ์ คงสวัสดิ์เกียรติ์, ไกรชิต สุตะเมือง


This research to purpose (1) to study the different types of personal factors include gender, age, marital status, level of education and occupation that affect in the decision to purchase concert again of Audiences (2) to study the relationship of the marketing mix consisting of place to buy tickets correlated with decision to purchase concert again of Audiences (3) to study the relationship of other factors factors include Brand Image, Brand Royalty and Trust are associated with decisions to purchase concert again of Audiences.
The statistics used to analyze the data in this study were percentage , mean , standard deviation, t - test F - Test and Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA). The sample used in this research is that consumers who live in Bangkok and Nearby, that have to watched concert before by 400 people to collect data.
The results showed that: (1) different types of personal factors influence to decision to purchase concert again of Audiences are different with statistically significant. (2) the relationship of the marketing mix are correlated with the decision to purchase concert again of Audiences are statistically significant. (3) the relationship of other factors are associated with the decision to purchase concert again of Audiences are statistically significant.


concert, Factor in the decision, purchase concert again

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