Service Quality Perception Factors of the Waterworks Authority in Bangkok Metropolitan Area

กฤติยา เวสวรรณ, ดร.ไกรชิต สุตะเมือง, ดร.กิตติพันธ์ คงสวัสดิ์เกียรติ


In this research entitled “Service quality perception factors of the Waterworks Authority in Bangkok Metropolitan Area”. The purpose of this research was (1) to investigate the differential demographic factors influencing on levels of perception to the service quality of the Waterworks Authority (2) to study the relationship between service factors and service quality of the Waterworks Authority (3) to examine the differential behavior of using water influencing on levels of perception to the service quality of the Waterworks Authority. The research was a quantitative research and collected data by survey using 400 questionnaires. A sample was selected from the water user in Bangkok Metropolitan Area, using simple random sampling method. Data was analyzed using t-Test, F-Test (ONE-way ANOVA) and Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) with statistical significantly at .05 levels.
The results showed that Occupation of different factors affecting the perceived quality of service for different plumbing statistically significant at the 0.05 level of service factors. Which have the personnel or service providers. The form of services. The type of service. Informational services. And the period of service is related to the perceived quality of services with statistical significance at 0.05 and found that the behavior of the water supply. The average water use per month and pay the water bill has a different effect on the perceived quality of the water supply services in Bangkok and its vicinity. Statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
Researcher would like to suggest that this study could be the part of development and making a good image of Waterworks Authority corresponding to the perception of the service quality for users in Bangkok Metropolitan area. Moreover, this study could be the information for study and improvement the service quality in personnel, service type, using type, news information and service time.


Perception, Service Quality

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