Feasibility of Compost Production from Coffee Ground mixed with Decanter Cake in Foam Box

วรรณวิภา ไชยชาญ, นิภาพร ชูจํา, เปมิกา ช่วยหมู่


This research studied on feasibility of compost production from coffee ground mixed with decanter cake in foam box. This experiment was studied in lab-scale. The objectives were to determine the physical and chemical characteristics of coffee ground, decanter cake and the properties of compost. This research investigated 3 different ratios of coffee ground and decanter cake as 100:0, 50:50 and 0:100 percent by weight. The results shown that coffee ground and decanter cake selected in this research were suitable for use as raw material to produce compost. As there are essential nutrients for plant growth remain in raw material.Aerobic composting process achieved maturity at approximately 30 days. Moisture content, pH and EC of produced compost of 4.12-8.96 percent, 7.08-7.24 and 1.857-3.722 ms/cm, respectively. Moisture content, pH and EC of produced compost were in the acceptable ranges of organic fertilizer standard set by Department of Agriculture. However, organic matter in the compost was less than standard. Therefore, they must be added to increase the amount of organic matter in compost to meet the standards of organic fertilizer.


Compost, Coffee ground, Decanter cake

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