Development of Aromatic Coconut be aged Tester

อนันต์ โสภิณ, วุฒิชัย วิจิตรกุลสวัสดิ์, อนุสรณ์ สาธุเสน


This research is to present the development of aromatic coconut be aged tester what kind to endosperm? to reduce the loss of detection from the observation method. This method is a non-destructive examination using ultrasonic sound waves. Based on the principle of absorption and reflection of the coconut, the aromatic coconut is different. The signal from the aromatic coconut was used to analyze the relationship of the signal level with the texture of the aromatic coconut. The signal level was divided according to the relationship with coconut endosperm and the results show that the aromatic coconut has any endosperm. What are the characteristics of aromatic coconut? The test was 70% accurate.


aromatic coconut, young coconut, aromatic coconut be aged test

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