สุภาวดี บุญทา, ดร.ไกรชิต สุตะเมือง, ดร.กิตติพันธ์ คงสวัสดิ์เกียรติ


The purpose of this quantitative research was as follows: (1) to study the attribute and differences on demographic that using 3G mobile service from my by cat in Bangkok metropolitan areas. (2) To study factors of marketing mix that affects using 3G mobile service from my by cat in Bangkok metropolitan areas. (3) To study related factors that affects using 3G mobile service from my by cat in Bangkok metropolitan areas. The number of sample using 3G mobile service from my by cat 400 persons to reply the questionnaires. In analyze the data, Computer program were used. The research analyzed by descriptive statistics including percentages, mean, standard deviation, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) to analyze the relationship between Product mix , the other and decision making The Results of the study were as follows showed that most of the respondents were female, age group of 26 to 35 years in the single. They possessed a Bachelor‘s degree and earned an average monthly income between 10,001 and 20,000 baht, Working in private enterprise. The Personal factors are different satisfied the affecting decision making to used 3G mobile service Form MY BY CAT in Bangkok metropolitan areas. The factors of Product Mix affecting decision making to used 3G mobile service Form MY BY CAT Product has average 5.93 Price has average 6.63 Place has average 6.53 and Promotion has average 6.98 However The Price not affecting decision making to select 3G mobile service Form MY BY CAT. Was also found Brand Image and Trust affecting decision making to using 3G mobile service Form MY BY CAT in Bangkok metropolitan areas.


Decision, 3G My by CAT, Product Mix

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