Sewing’s Minute of Garments Affected by Woven Fabric Construction.

พิพิธธน วิมลเกียรติศักดิ์, สาธิต พุทธชัยยงค์


The objective of this research is to study the effect of plain cotton fabric structure e.g. fabric thickness, fabric cover that would affect sewing time of garment. Various commercial fabric structures were prepared for this study as follow, fabric woven from cotton yarn count 32s, 40s and 50s were chosen with the number of 1, 6 and 4 samples respectively.
From the results obtained, it was found that the data collected from plain cotton fabric with C40s shown prominent trend in term of sewing time. In the operation of sewing front center, the cumulative fabric cover caused the sewing time to increase. The cumulative fabric thickness caused the sewing time to decrease at the apsis then the sewing time was back to increase again when the fabric thickness increased. In the operation of sewing armhole, the increment of fabric cover and fabric thickness caused the sewing time to decrease. In the operation of sawing shirttail, the increment of fabric cover and fabric thickness had no effect with sewing time. For plain cotton fabric C50s, the result was different from C40s because of the differentiation between both finishing fabrics. In addition, a few numbers of C50s samples was also a limitation. Therefore, C50s had shown prominent trend in term of sewing time. It can be concluded that, in the operation of sewing front center, the cumulative fabric cover caused the sewing time to increase while the cumulative fabric thickness caused the sewing time to decrease. In the operation of sewing armhole, the cumulative fabric cover cause the sewing time to increase while the cumulative fabric thickness had no effect with sewing time. In the operation of sewing shirttail, the increment of fabric cover and fabric thickness had no effect with sewing time.


fabric thickness, fabric cover

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