The Development of Dual Vocational Training Model by Integrated Learning Management in Enterprises

สิริชัย นัยกองศิริ, สุราษฎร์ พรมจันทร์, ปิยะ กรกชจินตนาการ


The purposes of this research were to construct the Model, components and evaluate the dual Vocational training Model by integrating teaching in enterprises. There were four steps in conducting a research and development as follows:
Step 1 Construct the Model and presented to whom it may concern, totally 38 persons; using the five-rating scale questionnaires to collect data. Regarding to the research, the informants agreed with the Model in high level ( = 4.42) Step 2 construct components of the Model follows: 1) perational manual of the model presented, totally 23 persons 2) vocational training manual and 3) vocational training document. All of which were presented to trainers and supervisors, totally 16 persons, and collected the data by using questionnaires. As for the research, it is investigated that all Operation manual, Vocational training manual, and Vocational training document are appropriate in high level. ( = 4.48, 4.37, and 4.26 respectively) Step 3 Follow the model and collect the data. The representative samples size is totally 30 students of dual vocational education of Diploma courses in the field of automotive technicians, 8 trainers, and 6 supervisors. The tool for this research is the learning progressive and achievement evaluation form. The result showed that the learning progressive and achievement of the students were higher than the criterion level. (41.64 % and 84.08 % respectively) Step 4 Evaluate the model operation by setting a syndicate composed of 30 students, 8 trainers, 6 supervisors, and 23 persons. The tool for this research is questionnaires. As for the research, it is found that students, trainers, and supervisors are satisfied with the teaching model in high level ( = 4.33, 4.35, and 4.28 respectively), and highest level for the ones who have dealing with. ( = 4.56)
With respect to the research, it revealed that the developed dual Vocational training Model by Integrated Learning Management could be used as the pattern that may enlarge the dual Vocational training in Enterprises.


Dual vocational training model, Integrated learning management in enterprises

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