Curriculum Training Development to Raise Leadership Character for Students’ Club Committee Faculty of Home Economics Technology

ลัดดาวัลย์ ศรีนิมิตรแก้ว


The purpose of this study was to develop the training course to contribute the traits of the leadership for the member of the Student Club of the Department of Home Economics Technology. There were 5 aspects as followed : First of all, the document and related researches were studied as well as the interviews of the experts and the surveys of the needs for contributing the traits of the leadership for the members of the Student Club of the Department of Home Economics Technology from the counsellor of the activity and the members of the Student Club. The finding were that there must have been 4 contributing areas : The knowledge of the leadership and the status of the leadership, the art of communication, the construction of public relations and the development of efficient teamwork. The next aspect was to use the result from the first aspect to draw the curriculum by using the standard criteria. The process of this aspect was to evaluate the problems, the necessity, the rational and the objectives of the curriculum. Moreover, the content, the material and the process of the training course were assessed and evaluated for doing the manual when utilizing the curriculum. The third aspect was that the curriculum was evaluated and developed by 5 experts. The result of this aspect was suitable and related to the training course. Then in the fourth aspect was to utilize the training course with the sample group of 35 member of the Student Club of the Department of Home Economics Technology. The finding was that the efficiency of the curriculum in each unit was achieved according to the criteria. The result of the testing of the knowledge and the attitude to the leadership before and after the training course has the statistics significant. The result of the observation of the leadership skills was in the high level and the result of the evaluation of the appropriateness of the training course was in the high level. The final aspect was to evaluate and develop the training course to be suitable for the application to contribute the traits of the leadership for the members of the Student Club of the Department of Home Economics Technology.

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