Website Usage of TOT Employees Supportive of Organizational Knowledge Management

สาวิตรี โพธิ์กัน


In this thesis, the researcher investigates (1) the website use supportive of organizational knowledge management evinced by selected Telecom of Thailand Corporation Public Company Limited (TOT) employees. Moreover, the researcher examines (2) TOT employee needs for using websites in support of organizational knowledge management. Furthermore, the researcher studies (3) problems in and obstacles to website use by the employees under study. Finally, the researcher compares (4) use, problems, and obstacles vis-à-vis accessing websites by these employees by reference to demographical factors.
The sample population consisted of 366 TOT employees whose employment loci were both metropolitan and regional. The instrument of research was a questionnaire.
Using techniques of descriptive statistics, the researcher analyzed the data collected in terms of percentage, mean and standard deviation. Hypotheses were tested. Independent samples t test was employed by the researcher in uaddition to F test (one-way analysis of variance [ANOVA]) and the Least Significant Difference (LSD) multiple comparison method.
Findings are as follows:
1. The need to use websites by the employees under study as supportive of knowledge management was overall evinced at a moderate level in all aspects.
2. In using websites for purposes of knowledge management, the employees examined encountered problems and obstacles at a moderate level. Problems at the highest level were encountered vis-à-vis the aspect of equipment and system. In the case of the aspect of personnel, the personnel under examination encountered problems at a moderate level.
3. In comparing use, problems and obstacles in utilizing websites by the personnel under study for purposes of organizational knowledge management by reference to demographical factors, the researcher found the following:
3.1 As classified by work unit and educational level, concomitant differences were not found in the use of websites for knowledge management purposes.
3.2 As classified by work position, working group, and work experience, corresponding differences were found in the use of websites for knowledge management purposes at the statistically significant level of .05.


Knowledge Management KM TOT-KBS

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