
บำรุง ตอนสุข, สมพร สุขะ


This research purpose to develop the online learning course in atomic structure and periodic table and find efficiency of online learning course and compare the student achievement between before and after learning. The sampler of this research are 30 students of civil engineering division faculty of engineering rajamangala university of technology krungtep who study in summer semester academic year 2011. The research tools are online lesson in atomic structure and periodic table students can do the exercise between learning. Exercise is multiple choice and know the after finish learning. Statistic used are arithmetic mean, percentage, standard deviation and t- test.
The result show that online course assess by experts is appropriate tool. The efficiency is 84.17/85.00 which higher than the specified criteria of 80/80. And student achievement after learning is higher than before learning at significant level 0.1. In Conclusion,: The study indicates online learning courses has efficiency and good achievement


online Learning course

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