Information Behavior of Students at Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep

ทิพวรรณ จำปาเงิน


In this thesis, the researcher investigates (1) the information behaviors of selected students at Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep.
The researcher studies (2) problems in and obstacles to the use of information on the part of the students under study.
Using the stratified random sampling and simple random sampling methods in addition to extrapolating from the Taro Yamane table to determine appropriate sample size, the researcher selected a sample population consisting of 386 undergraduates enrolled at Rajamangala University of Technology from a total research population of 10,812 undergraduates. The instrument of research was a questionnaire.
Using techniques of descriptive statistics, the researcher analyzed
the data collected in terms of percentage, mean and standard deviation.
The hypotheses were tested using the F test (one-way analysis of variance [ANOVA]). The Least Significant Difference (LSD) multiple comparison method was utilized by the researcher when paired differences were found at the statistically significant level of .05.
Most of the students under study needed information to write reports. Next in descending order were to augment their knowledge of interesting subjects and to follow up on outdated information in order to update said information. Information sources searched by the students under study fell under the rubric of mass media sources. Next in descending order were other information sources and information obtained from individuals. As for the type of search engine used by the students, most of them used the Google search engine. Next in descending order were the Sanook and Yahoo search engines.
Most of the students under investigation used printed media in the form of newspapers. Next in descending order were journals, magazines and academic textbooks. In regard to the use of electronic media, most students used information found by Internet searching. Next in descending order were online databases and Video Compact Discs (VCDs).
However, most of the students under study exhibited problems and obstacles in the use of information in an overall picture at a moderate level. When considered in each aspect, it was found that the students under investigation exhibited problems and obstacles in the use of information at the item with the highest mean being the aspect of the use of information. Next in descending order were the aspects of service provision; the search of information of users; buildings and location; and personnel providing services.
The comparison of information behaviors found the following:
The students with differences in gender, year of study and faculty studied exhibited no differences in information behavior in an overall picture. When considered in each item, it was found that male and female students exhibited no differences in the search of information and the use of information. However, there were differences in the search for information.
The students under investigation with differences in the year of study exhibited differences in the search for information at the statistically significant level of .05. There were no differences in the search for information and the use of information. In addition, it was also found that the students under study with differences in faculty studied exhibited differences in the finding of information and the search for information at the statistically significant level of .05. There were no differences in the use of information in an overall picture and in each aspect.
The comparison of problems and obstacles in the use of information of the students under study found the following: Male and female students with differences in the year of study exhibited no differences in problems and obstacles in the use of information in an overall picture and in each aspect. The students under study with differences in the faculty studied exhibited no differences in problems and obstacles in the use of information in an overall picture and in each aspect


Information seeking behavior;Information searching;Information using; Information Behavior

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