The Development of e-Learning Industrial Organization Psychology Management Rajamangala University of Thecnology Krungthep

นายสมพร ปิยะพันธ์, สมพร สุขะ, นัดดา อังสุโวทัย


The purpose of this study was to develop and study the learning achievement on “Industrial Organization Psychology” from e-Learning courses. The sample groups were 42 third year students of computer technology division, Faculty of Technical Education , Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep, drawn by using purposive sampling. The research instruments were as follows: 2 e-Learning chapters and achievement tests. Statistics used were arithmetic mean, percentage, standard deviation and T-test.
The results showed that: The efficiency of e-Learning courses on “Industrial Organization Psychology” equal to 80.15/80.12 which higher than the set criterion 80/80. The learning achievement of the learners after using the instruction was higher at significant level of .01.

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