การเปรียบเทียบผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียนรายวิชาลีลาศ ที่เรียนโดยใช้บทเรียน e-Learning กับการเรียนแบบปกติ

พีระพล เอียดทองใส, มนวิภา อนันตะเศรษฐกุล, สุญาณี เดชทองพงษ์


The purposes of this experimental research were to construct and find the efficiency of and
e-Learning instruction on Social Dance and to compare the students’ learning achievements between the Experimental group sample of 30 second year undergraduate students of Rajamangala University of Technology was selected by purposive sampling and divided into 2 groups of 15. Tools were e-Learning Instruction on Beguine and Cha Cha Cha and the learning achievement test, consisted of a multiple choice test of Social Dance theory and a rating scale evaluation on practice. The study was analyzed by using basic statistical package programs; statistic for finding the efficiency of the e-Learning Instruction, the quality of test; and t-test.
The results were found as follows:
1. The e-Learning Instruction constructed by the researcher was found with very good quality in both the
aspects of content and media with the efficiency value of 80.33 / 81.26 which was higher than the criteria.
2. The students using the e-Learning Instruction had higher learning achievement than the students learning
by conventional methods. The learning achievement results were 75.66% and 54.78% respectively with statistical significance at the level of .05. When focusing on the theoretical part, it was found that the students learning by Conventional Methods had low score (38.83%). While both groups had very high scores in practical part
(The experiment 91.65% and the control 83.35%).
In conclusion, the results showed that the e-Learning Instruction constructed by the researcher could be used as supplement Instruction since it helped students to get higher learning achievement.

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